The ball probe ensures effective monitoring of stored crops, which is crucial for maintaining quality and minimizing losses. With a wireless ball probe like StackView, you can measure temperature and humidity directly in your crops, providing valuable insights into storage conditions. StackView kan du måle temperatur og fugtighed direkte i dine afgrøder, hvilket giver værdifuld indsigt i lagringsforholdene.

Why Are Temperature and Humidity Important for Stored Crops?
Temperature and humidity play a crucial role in the quality of stored crops. High humidity can lead to mold growth and quality deterioration, while excessively low temperatures can affect germination ability and nutrient content. By using StackView, you can monitor and adjust storage conditions, minimizing waste and ensuring high product quality.
Wireless Monitoring with Ball Probes in Stored Crops
With StackView kuglespyd bliver overvågning af temperatur og fugtighed i dine afgrøder enkel og effektiv. Alle målinger dokumenteres automatisk i StackView’s platformen med tidspunkt og GPS-position, hvilket sikrer præcis og struktureret dataopbevaring.
- Wireless Temperature and Humidity Measurement – StackView accurately measures temperature and humidity without the need for cables or expensive base units.
- Automatic Data Collection – All measurements are logged automatically with timestamps and GPS positions in the StackView platform.
- User-Friendly Platform – Data can be accessed from a PC, laptop, or smartphone, making it easy to analyze conditions in real time.
- Data Sharing and Alerts – Share measurements with colleagues, customers, and other stakeholders. Set up alerts for temperature and humidity thresholds to ensure a quick response.
Product features
Included: StackView including antenna, battery, SIM card, software updates, data storage, and support
Length: 1500 mm
Material: Stainless steel
Suitable for crops: Barley, Beans, Canola, Corn, Grain, Hay, Lentils, Oats, Other, Peas, Rice, Rye, Silage, Soybeans, Wheat, and Hay
Suitable for organic farming: Yes
Surface treatment: Polished
Temperature range: -40 – +120 °C
Accuracy: +/- 2°
Weight: 1 kg

Discover more: Soil Probe