Soil Probe

Jordspyd sikrer en effektiv overvågning af lagrede afgrøder, hvilket er afgørende for at bevare kvaliteten og minimere tab. Med et trådløst jordspyd som StackView kan du måle temperatur og fugtighed direkte i dine afgrøder, hvilket giver værdifuld indsigt i lagringsforholdene.

Soil Probe

Wireless Monitoring with Soil Probes in Stored Crops

Jordspyd som StackView giver en enkel og præcis metode til at overvåge temperatur- og fugtighedsniveauer i lagrede afgrøder. Det trådløse jordspyd måler automatisk og dokumenterer værdierne, så du altid har de nødvendige data til at forhindre kvalitetsforringelse.

  • Accurate Humidity Measurement – The soil probe records humidity levels in stored crops, helping to prevent mold and spoilage.
  • Temperature Control – Measure the temperature of your stored crops to ensure optimal storage conditions.
  • Easy Data Access – All measurements are documented and digitally recorded in StackView’s platform, which can be easily accessed from a PC, tablet, or smartphone.
  • Simple Installation – No need for wires or complicated setups.
  • Automatic Alerts – Receive notifications if humidity or temperature exceeds set thresholds.

Product features

Included: StackView including antenna, battery, SIM card, software updates, data storage, and support

Length: 1500 mm

Material: Stainless steel

Suitable for crops: Barley, Beans, Canola, Corn, Grain, Hay, Lentils, Oats, Other, Peas, Rice, Rye, Silage, Soybeans, Wheat, and Hay

Suitable for organic farming: Yes

Surface treatment: Polished

Temperature range: -40 – +120 °C

Accuracy: +/- 2°

Weight: 1 kg

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