How to use a temperature gauge flexibly during spraying in fields

Spring brings busyness to the farmlands, as preparations for the planting season are underway. A crucial factor is the soil's temperature and humidity. Understanding the soil's temperature and humidity is important when it comes to planting and germination of crops. When the temperature- and humidity gauge is not being used in the grain store, the gauge can be utilized in spring for monitoring the soil's temperature and humidity.

What is StackView?

StackView consists of a wireless temperature- and humidity gauge along with a user-friendly web interface. StackView automatically and systematically measures the temperature and humidity, and all measurements are documented on the StackView website with timestamps and GPS coordinates. The website is accessible on PC, laptop, and smartphone.

With StackView, one can measure and analyze soil temperature and humidity in real-time. This provides valuable insight into soil conditions, allowing for quick responses to changes, such as adjusting planting times or optimizing growth conditions for crops.

Using StackView during field spraying

To use StackView during field spraying, place the gauge in the field at the desired depth level. The sensor is located at the bottom part of the StackView. The gauge will now measure the temperature and humidity, for example, two or three times a day. Timestamps for temperature and humidity readings can be synchronized, allowing multiple gauges to measure temperature and humidity simultaneously.

If it’s in an area where spraying is taking place, and there’s a desire to avoid accidental spraying on the StackView, it can be easily positioned horizontally.

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