Ensuring the quality of grain and seed storage

Higher requirements for food safety and products

Kravene til fødevaresikkerhed og de produkter, vi som forbrugerne køber i butikkerne, bliver hele tiden højere. Dette gælder ikke mindst for fødevarer. Se også en kort beskrivelse af de vigtigste forhold omkring rengøring af afgrødelageret, skadedyrsbekæmpelse, tørring og nedkøling samt vigtigheden af løbende at registrere temperatur og vandprocenter i kornet.

To ensure quality all the way from farm to fork, a number of farmers are regularly selected for control of their storage facilities, including cleaning, pest control, drying and keeping a logbook, which is a requirement under the contract with many feeds. Remember that the crop in the warehouse is of great value and must be cared with care.

StackView is an efficient wireless temperature and humidity measuring tool that helps monitor temperature and humidity by seamlessly capturing and organizing data on the accompanying software, which can be installed on one's PC or mobile phone. With it, users can easily create or modify probe names, view probes separately in crops, halls, or similar locations, and directly retrieve a logbook from their StackView. logbog fra ens StackView. 

Discover more Grain quality

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